Website Design

Easy. Simple. Uncomplicated.

Streamline your business with our website building and management plans. We take care of all the hassle; hosting, management and security. 

Our Website Packages

Basic Website Package

Just a simple 5 page website, with basic monthly management and hosting. 1 round of Revisions
$ 399 Upfront
  • + $89/month for hosting & management
  • Choose from 50+ Templates
  • 5 Page Website
  • Fully Customized to Your Brand
  • Up to 20 Stock Images to be used on the site
  • Human Tech Support
  • Delivery in up to 5 business days
  • Additional pages + $49/page
  • Calendar Booking Add-on + $149

E-Commerce Package

Start selling in just 5 business days with a custom E-Commerce website!
$ 599 Upfront
  • + $129/month for hosting & management
  • E-Commerce Selling (WooCommerce) up to 50 products
  • 5 Pages + Sales Page
  • Choose from 50+ Templates
  • Fully Customized to Your Brand
  • Up to 20 Stock Images to be used on the site
  • Human Tech Support
  • Delivery in up to 5 business days
  • Optional: USPS Shipping API +$149

E-Learning Package

Get ready to sell sell sell those courses. Let's empower you to share your knowledge with the world!
$ 999 Upfront
  • + $179/month for hosting & management
  • E-Learning with LearnDash
  • 5 Pages + Sales Pages + Custom User Dashboard
  • Choose from 50+ Templates
  • Fully Customized to Your Brand
  • Up to 20 Stock Images to be used on the site
  • Human Tech Support
  • Delivery in up to 5 business days
  • Optional: Membership Subscriptions +$149

Work We've Done

What People Are Saying


All sites will be built within 5 business days after the welcome form is filled out by the customer. We provide directions on what we need to begin in the welcome form. Once these pre-requisites are provided by the client, we’ll be able to begin development.

Arette Marketing offers various packages including basic website design, e-commerce, and e-learning website services. Just choose the package that best meets your needs. If you have any questions, just fill-out the contact form and we’ll be in-touch.

Yes, we base all websites on templates to allow us to build in 5 business days, but you’ll choose your colors, fonts and images. The templates are just a wireframe, the site is still 100% customizable to your business needs.

There is a 6-month minimum subscription period, as outlined in the terms and conditions. After that you’re free to cancel with a 30-day notice.

Since you’ll have access to your own Slack Channel, there you’ll be able to solicit support from our staff for technical issues from 9-5pm (check terms & conditions to see what’s covered).

We closely monitor every site with uptime monitoring so if your site goes down, we’ll be on-top of it!

Yes! We do daily backups for all our customers, if you need us to restore a backup, just ask on your Slack channel and we’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Yes for some features there will be an additional cost. We’ll always be upfront about charges and never hide them in the fine print. 

Of course! We make sure to detail all hourly rates in the terms and conditions, that way you know exactly what to expect.

Reach out to us in the contact form and we’ll build a custom package to meet your needs!

Terms and Conditions

  1. Hosting and Website Management:
    • Arette Marketing handles all hosting and management tasks.
    • Management includes changes to web pages, products, content, etc.
    • Clients get 2 hours monthly for changes, non-accumulative, tracked via Google Sheets. (For the basic plan this is not included)
    • Additional features and new products/pages can be priced separately.
    • Clients can use monthly hours as credits for new features/products at $25/hour.
    • Standard hourly rate is $50/hour (or $40/hour for projects over 10 hours).
    • Monthly plugin updates by Arette Marketing.
  2. External Work Exclusion: Work by external contractors won’t be covered or supported by Arette Marketing.
  3. Ownership and Subscription Terms:
    • Upfront payment required before work begins.
    • Clients don’t own the website outright; a 6-month minimum subscription is required.
    • Early transfer incurs a fee equal to the upfront payment of the plan.
  4. Access and Permissions:
    • Clients can edit WordPress but can not add plugins for the first 6 months.
    • Post 6 months, clients gain full access for plugin and account additions.
  5. Late Payment Policy:
    • A grace period of 5 days for late payments, after which the website will be blocked.
  6. Authorization for Monthly Charges:
    • By subscribing, users authorize Arette Marketing to make monthly charges to their credit card, corresponding to the selected subscription plan.
  7. Website Ownership and Subscription Minimum:
    • Upon completion, the client does not own the website immediately.
    • A 6-month minimum subscription period is mandatory.
    • If the client wishes to transfer the website before this period, a fee equal to the upfront fee of the chosen plan is required.

2024 Launch Sale!


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Does not apply to total ammount, only to upfront fee and is not recurring. 


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