Terms & Conditions

Just some important legal stuff

1. Hosting and Website Management

Hosting and management are exclusively handled by Arette Marketing.

Management includes web page, product, and content updates.

  • Clients are entitled to 2 hours of change-related work per month, tracked via Google Sheets. These hours are not accumulative.
  • Additional features or new products/pages can be quoted separately.
  • Clients can use their monthly hours as credits towards new features/products at $25/hour.
  • Standard rate is $50/hour for quotes under 10 hours, and $40/hour for over 10 hours.
  • Plugin updates are done monthly by Arette Marketing

2. External Work Exclusion

Work done by external contractors will not be covered or supported by Arette Marketing.

3. Website Ownership and Subscription Terms

The client does not own the website immediately after completion. A 6-month minimum subscription is required.
Early transfer requires a fee equal to the upfront fee of the chosen plan.

4. Access and Permissions

Clients can edit WordPress and website content but cannot add plugins or users for the first 6 months. After 6 months, full access is granted at the time full ownership is passed to the client. 

5. Late Payment Policy

A 5-day grace period is allowed for late payments, after which the website will be suspended. Arette Marketing is not responsible for any damages related to a suspended website. 

6. Authorization for Monthly Charges

Clients authorize monthly credit card charges as per their selected subscription plan and any fees and penalties as described in terms and conditions.

7. Support and Urgent Requests

Standard support requests are addressed within 48 hours; urgent requests within 3 hours.
Misuse of urgent support (non-urgent issues) incurs a $129 fee, if the fee is not paid, service will be suspended after 5 days.
Free support for issues stemming from Arette Marketing’s setup or plugin partners. User-caused issues are billed at $50/hour.

8. Communication

All communication will be conducted through Slack for day to day operations. Email may be used if we cannot get in touch with the customer and as a last resort we may use phone service. 

9. Refund Policy

Refunds are only available within the first 24 hours. After 24-hours there are no refunds, you may cancel your montlhy subscription only.

10. Cancellation Policy

  • Subscriptions can be canceled with a 30-day notice.
  • Cancellation before the end of the 6-month minimum period incurs a fee equal to the signup fee. 

11. Intellectual Property Rights

All custom design elements, code, and created content remain the intellectual property of Arette Marketing. Clients may use these elements solely in the context of the final website provided.

12. Data Protection and Privacy

Client data will be handled with strict confidentiality. We adhere to data protection laws and ensure the highest standards of privacy and security.

13. Limitation of Liability

Arette Marketing is not liable for indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use of our services. Liability is limited to the extent permitted by law.

14. Amendments to Terms

These Terms and Conditions are subject to change. Clients will be notified of any amendments via email or a notification on our website.

15. Dispute Resolution

In case of disputes, Arette Marketing prefers to resolve matters amicably through mediation or arbitration, prior to any legal proceedings.
16. Termination of Service
Either party may terminate the agreement under specified conditions. Termination clauses include penalties or processes as detailed in the specific package agreement.

17. Client Responsibilities

Clients are responsible for providing necessary content, approvals, and feedback within the agreed timeframe to ensure timely delivery of services.

18. Backup and Data Loss

Regular backups will be conducted, but Arette Marketing is not liable for any data loss. Clients are encouraged to maintain their own backups.

19. Service Scope Limitation

The scope of services and any additional charges will be clearly outlined in the agreement. Services outside the agreed scope will incur additional charges.